Требования к работам   Requirements for manuscripts

for manuscripts submitted to the "Russian Law Online"

Scientific articles, essays, book reviews, reviews of legislative changes, judicial practice and conferences are accepted for publication in the Journal "Russian Law Online" (hereinafter – Journal).

The Journal is an on-line edition the content of which is publicly available on the site http://www.rus-law.online. Free printed copies are produced for the authors of the papers and individual libraries.

The text of the manuscript should be emailed to the Journal Editorial Council or to the Editor-in-Chief Email address ed@rus-law.online in the form of a file saved in any Microsoft Word file format with the extension .doc, .docx or .rtf.

The text of the manuscript (except for footnotes) should be typed using Times New Roman font. Font height is 14 points with sesquialteral line spacing. Paragraph indent value is 1.25 cm. Margins: left margin – 3 cm, right margin – 1.5 cm, top and bottom margins – 2 cm.

The text of footnotes should be typed using font Times New Roman; font height of 12 points with single line spacing.

A photograph of the author (s) should be attached to the letter containing the text of the manuscript.

The manuscript should include the following parts in the order specified:

  1. The Title of the Article;
  2. Information about the author (s);
  3. Review;
  4. Keywords;
  5. The main text of the article (and references);
  6. References.
  7. Sample.

The title of the article, information about the authors, the review, and keywords are translated into Russian by and at the cost of the Journal. They do not need to be translated by the authors.

The volume of the article with due regard for all the parts mentioned above shall not exceed 60,000 (forty thousand) characters including spaces. For the papers submitted by students, the maximum allowed amount is 40,000 characters including spaces. In exceptional cases, the Editorial Council reserves the right to accept for publication articles that exceed the specified amount.

Students ' papers should receive a permission for publication from their research advisors, information about whom is provided when emailing the article to the Editorial Council. The permission for publication can be confirmed by the scan of an appropriate request to the Editorial Council signed by the research advisor and indicating academic credentials, rank, position, the place of work and the date of signing.

The Title of the Article

The title of the Article:

– should be informative;

– should not contain abbreviations and/or reductions. The only exception is applied to generally accepted abbreviations, such as the USSR, the UN, NATO, the CIS, the EAEC, etc.

Information about the Author (s)

The information about each author shall include:

– Name and Patronymic;

– Academic degree and rank (if any);

– Full name of the organization to which the author belongs;

– Address of the organization, including the city, country, street name and building number, ZIP code;

– E-mail Address

– Phone number for feedback (not subject to publication).

A sample review is given after the text of the Requirements.


The review should be clear and without any reference to the work itself. The reader should be able to understand the essence of the paper judging by the review and decide whether it is worth reading the whole text of the article in order to gain more detailed information the reader is interested in.

The review shall contain substantive facts regarding the research and shall not exaggerate the results of the study or provide facts that are not available in the main part of the work.

The text of the review must be concise and clear, free from minor information, excessive introductory words and phrases (for example, "the author of the article considers ..."), general and verbose language. The text of the review should contain meaningful words from the text of the article, use syntactic constructs inherent in the language of scientific documents, and avoid complex grammatical constructions.

The text should be coherent, separate statements should be logically connected with each other.

The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the review. The review should not contain abbreviations (reductions) and symbols, as well as references to the bibliography.

The authors are encouraged to use the review structure that repeats the structure of the article and contains the goals, objectives, methods and results. However: the subject, subject matter, purpose of the study are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article; it is appropriate to describe the method or methodology of the study if they are novel or of interest with regard to the particular study.

The results of the study should be described in a very precise and informative way. The main theoretical and practical results, the actual data, revealed interrelations and regularities should be described. However, preference is given to new results and data with long-term value, important discoveries, conclusions that disprove existing theories, as well as data that, in the author's opinion, are of practical importance. Conclusions may be followed by recommendations, assessments, proposals, hypotheses described in the article.

The volume of the review is determined in accordance with the content of the paper (the amount of information, its scientific value and/or practical value) and should be from 100 to 250 words.

A sample review is given after the text of the Requirements.


The keywords should be associated with the main subjects and the content of the paper. Both single words and combinations of 2-3 words in singular (or plural) nominative forms can be used as keywords.

When selecting keywords, keep in mind the following criteria in the aggregate:

- Select the most commonly used concepts associated with the topic and reflected in the paper; too complex and specific terms should be avoided;

- Use the terms most commonly used by the experts in the relevant field of the legal science;

- Take into account the potential value of the word for encapsulating the content of the paper;

- Consider the words used by potential readers in their typical queries.

The number of keywords (phrases) can vary from 5 to 10.

The main text of the paper and references

The text of the paper should encapsulate the results of the study that have substantial scientific and practical significance; it should be written in a clear and professionally literate language, be logically consistent and coherent.

All reductions and abbreviations, except for those generally accepted, should be deciphered when they are used for the first time in the text.

Special attention should be paid to the references (footnotes).


References are made in the form of footnotes (located in the text as footnote bibliographic references) with the consecutive numbering (for example, from the 1st to the 32nd). The footnotes are typed in the Times New Roman font. Font height is 12 points with single line spacing.

The reference mark in the text is placed before the punctuation mark (dot, comma, colon, and semicolon).

If the quotation is not based on the original source, the information concerning the citation source is given the specification: «Cit. ex: ...».

References should be as complete and informative as possible.

The reference structure should include:

Surnames followed by the initials of the authors or editors (with the addition of "(ed.)"). The title of the paper. Year of publication. The name of the Russian source of publication or the place of publication and the name of the publishing house. Publication data imprint (volume, number, pages, DOI, if any).

References to on-line resources should be structured as follows: Surnames followed by initials of the authors or editors (with the addition of "(ed.)"). The title of the paper. Year of publication (if any). The pages cited (if there is page numbering). Available at: The Internet address of the resource (Accessed DD MM YYYY).

In the description of publications without authors (compilations, collective monographs), one editor (maximum two editors) should be named. In the case of a composite work written by 4 authors inclusive, all authors should be mentioned (with their surnames followed by initials); with larger author groups the first three authors are named and "et al." is added. In some cases, editors or drafters act as the authors of the books. After the surname of the last of them, "ed." should be written in brackets.

If the authors or editors of the publication are unknown, this element of the reference structure should be omitted.

Descriptions of textbooks and study guides in Russian do not need indications of the type of publications.

When referring to dissertations and authors' abstracts, the title should indicate the academic degree of an applicant (credentials) and the course code in brackets.

When referring to international treaties, legislation and court decisions in the title, the date of adoption should be indicated in brackets.

In the publication data imprint you must specify the page/pages of the publication to which the author refers. In this case, a specific page or range of pages in the publication is specified by "P." before the pages; the number of pages in the full publication (book) is specified as "p." after specifying the number of pages.

If a reference is made to the chapter in the book, the authors are named first, then the title of the chapter and the pages that are referred to are indicated; after the full point capitalized "In:" is typed. Then, the structure is given in accordance with the structure described above indicating the total volume of the publication.

If the paper described has a DOI, it must be specified in the bibliographic description.

A repeating reference to the same source has the following structure:

-- If it goes immediately after the previous reference – «Surnames followed by initials of the authors or editors (with the addition of "(ed.)"). Ibid. Pages quoted».

-- If it is mentioned subsequently – «Surnames followed by initials of the authors or editors (with the addition of «(ed.) »). Op. cit. Pages quoted».

-- In the case of a repeated reference to the author's various works – «Surnames followed by the initials of the authors or editors (with the addition of «(ed.) »). The title of the paper. Pages quoted».

-- In the case of a repeated reference to sources which authors or editors are unknown, – «The title of the work. Pages quoted».

Sample text:

References to a journal article:

1 Caponera D.A. Patterns of Cooperation in International Water Law: Principles and Institutions. 1985. Natural Resources Journal. Vol. 25. P. 566-575.

2Caponera D.A. Ibid. P. 568.

3 Nikiforov A. S. Ibid. P. 141.

4 Carlson J. A critical resource or only a wish well? A proposal to codify the transboundary aquifers and establish as explicit human right to water. 2011. American University International Law Review. Vol. 26 N 5. P. 1425.

5 Caponera D.A. Op. cit. P. 570.

References to the Internet electronic resources:

6 Wohlwend B.J. An Overview of Groundwater in International Law. A case study: The Franco-Swiss Genevese Aquifer. 2007. P. 16-17. Available at: Http://www.bjwconsult.com/The%20Genevese%20Aquifer.pdf (Accessed 15.05.2016).

7 Fedotov V. Russia (Application No. 5140/02), Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (25.10.2005). Available at: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/sites/eng/pages/search.aspx?i=001-70756 (Accessed 15.05.2016).

References to the book (monograph, textbook, etc.):

8 Birnie P., Boyle A. International Law and the Environment (second edition). 2002. Oxford University Press. P. 120.

References to the chapter in the book (monograph, textbook, etc.):

9 McCaffrey S. A Human Right to Water. P. 93-115; In Weiss E.B., de Chazournes L.B., Bernasconi-Osterwalder N. (eds). Fresh water and the international economic law. 2005. Oxford University Press. 512 p.

References to international treaties, legislation and judicial decisions:

10 Conventions on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (1988). Available at: Http://www.ats.aq/documents/recatt/Att311_e.pdf (Accessed 15.05.2016).

11 Pulp Mills on the river Uruguay (Argentina v.) Uruguay), Judgment of the I.C.J. (20.04.2010). 2010. I.C.J. Reports.

23 Code de l'environnement. Version consolidée au 01 juillet 2015. Available at: http://legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCode.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006074220&dateTexte=20150828 (Accessed:) 15.05.2016).


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[1] Prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 793 July 25, 2014, the criteria for including journals into the Scopus database and extensive references to the paper written by O.V. Kirillova “Editorial preparation of scientific journals in accordance with international standards. Recommendations of the Scopus DB expert.” M., 2013. Part 1. 90 p.